Resume Summary & Career Objective are often used interchangeably. However, there are 2 majour differences between the two.
This part of your resume should be summarizing why you’re a good fit for the job (a career summary). NOT stating the obvious about how you wish to work with this company (a career objective).
In addition to this, you’ll also want to avoid boiler plate phrases.
…won’t get you very far. Anyone can claim that.
Instead, think of the proof behind such statements that no other candidate can boast of.
Prove that you are as amazing as you say that you are.
If you’ve been following along the other 4 Days, you already worked out your resume experience, and education section. You’re now in a good position to - just like in English class- write a summary that hits all the high points of hiring you.
Think overview versus general. For a fashion resume, you might want to Include…
This part of your resume should be kept to a maximum of 5 lines of text. And unlike other parts of your resume, it need not be labeled.
This marks the end of Day5 Fix Your Fashion Resume In 7 Days. Take a little time today to jot down all the reasons a company would want to hire you. Then put it together into a short statement.
If you have any questions, please include them below this lesson.
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I’ll go over your resume and create a personalized 10 - 15 minute video review that you can watch as many times as you need to.